Chinese startup DeepSeek's cheaper AI is sharpening investor scrutiny of the billions U.S. tech giants are pouring to develop the technology and analysts say it will dominate this week's much-awaited ...
President Donald Trump on Monday pardoned about 1,500 people who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in a sweeping gesture of support to the people who assaulted police as they tried to prevent ...
Passengers evacuated from an Air Busan plane that was engulfed in flames this week at a South Korean airport will have their checked baggage returned to them, after authorities on Friday deemed the je ...
Investigators plan to push forward on Friday with efforts to retrieve the two aircraft involved in a crash in Washington that killed 67 people and raised questions about air safety in the U.S. capital ...
外長王毅據報非正式向日本提議, 首相石破茂在下月訪華. 日本共同社引述多名中日外交消息人士報道, 王毅在本月中旬同到訪北京的日本執政自民黨幹事長森山裕會談時, 曾非正式地提議藉亞洲冬季運動會下月在中國舉辦之機, 實現石破茂訪華. 亞洲冬季運動會下月7日至14日在哈爾濱舉行. 森山裕聯同公明黨幹事長西田實仁訪問北京時, 亦有同總理李強會談, 並向李強轉交了石破茂寫給國家主席習近平的親筆信. 石破茂在 ...
意大利數據保護局表示, 已封鎖中國人工智能模型DeepSeek, 理由是DeepSeek對個人數據的使用, 缺乏透明度. DeepSeek已無法在意大利的蘋果和Google應用商店下載. 意大利數據保護局說, 為保護當地用戶的數據安全, 在剛過去的周二, 要求DeepSeek提供關於個人數據使用的詳細資訊, 包括如何蒐集個人資料、 從哪裡蒐集、 用於甚麼目的和資料儲存哪裡等, 但DeepSeek提 ...
馬會建議增加聯播非本地賽事場次及日數. 經民聯立法會議員盧偉國表示贊成, 指本港馬匹在海外一級賽取得佳績, 馬會與其他地方在賽事上合作, 能夠達致互惠共贏, 除了增加政府的博彩稅收入, 馬會亦可以在慈善項目上投放更多資源, 對社會有直接和間接好處. 盧偉國在電台節目指, 本港賽馬活動對旅客有很大吸引力, 認為如果旅客在馬場能夠觀賞到聯播的海外賽事, 能夠進一步提高吸引力. 他又指, 國際間的賽馬機 ...
The Marshall Islands has warned citizens living in the U.S. not to open the door to immigration officials without a judicial warrant, amid fears the community is being caught in President Donald Trump ...
卡塔爾國家元首塔米姆(Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani)星期四訪問敘利亞首都大馬士革, 與敘利亞過渡時期總統沙拉(Ahmed al-Sharaa)舉行會談, 雙方討論了兩國關係及敘利亞重建等議題, 是自去年12月敘利亞政局劇變後, 首位國家元首訪問敘利亞. 塔米姆抵達大馬士革國際機場時, 沙拉和敘利亞過渡政府總理、外交部長希巴尼(Asaad al-Shibani)及國防部長卡斯拉( ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday that it has deployed an emergency medical team to help Uganda fight a deadly Ebola outbreak that killed a health worker in Kampala, the Ugandan cap ...
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen on Thursday said those behind death threats against a judge and prosecutors trying her in a graft trial should be punished, in her first comments on a police inve ...
As the clock struck eight on Thursday evening, the sky above Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour erupted in a kaleidoscope of colors, marking the arrival of the Chinese New Year. This year's 23-minute firewo ...