Bern, 20.09.2024 - At its meeting on 20 September 2024, the Federal Council ratified the Final Acts of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23).
During its meeting on 20 September 2024, the Federal Council decided to initiate a consultation on amending the Financial Market Supervision Act and other pieces of legislation. The aim of the ...
The new members of the Executive Board have been appointed in connection with the inauguration of the new President of EPFL, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, as of 1 January 2025. In addition, the ETH Board ...
The ETH spin-off uses the heat of the sun to produce synthetic fuels (Synfuels) from CO₂ and water. In June 2024, in the German city of Jülich, Synhelion inaugurated DAWN: the world's first industrial ...
During a course of proton therapy, the tumour is irradiated on five days of the week, usually for two to seven weeks. If the treatment plan is newly adjusted every day to the patient’s current anatomy ...
Bern, 19.09.2024 - The Federal Government Expert Group on Business Cycles continues to expect Switzerland's economic growth in 2024 to be considerably below average (GDP adjusted for sporting events: ...
Bern, 20.09.2024 - Der Bundesrat hat an seiner Sitzung vom 20. September 2024 die Schlussakte der Weltfunkkonferenz 2023 ratifiziert. Damit steht der formale Rahmen für die künftige Frequenznutzung in ...
Berne, 20.09.2024 - Le Conseil fédéral a ratifié, lors de sa séance du 20 septembre 2024, les Actes finals de la Conférence mondiale des radiocommunications 2023. Le cadre formel pour l'utilisation fu ...
Berna, 20.09.2024 - In occasione della sua seduta del 20 settembre 2024, il Consiglio federale ha ratificato gli atti finali della Conferenza mondiale delle radiocomunicazioni 2023 (CMR-23), che defin ...
Bern, 20.09.2024 - Der Bundesrat hat an seiner Sitzung vom 20. September 2024 beschlossen, eine Vernehmlassung zur Änderung des Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetzes sowie weiterer Erlasse zu eröffnen. Ziel de ...
Le nouvel art. 38 a LOG offre une base juridique claire permettant l'application du nouveau modèle de loyer fixé sur la base des coûts. Par ailleurs, il convient de créer une base juridique explicite ...
Il nuovo articolo 38 a LPrA offre una base giuridica chiara per applicare il nuovo modello di pigione commisurata ai costi. Occorre inoltre creare una base giuridica esplicita per il controllo da ...