The film, which debuted at SXSW 2024, stars Ferreira as a struggling caretaker who tries to cope with her absent father. While Ferreira has had roles in “Unpregnant” and “Nope,” it is “Bob” that puts ...
Yet while movies and the media can't save us, they can represent us. Movies can move the needle on mainstream acceptance ...
Watching the "Star Trek" movies in order of release also places them in proper continuity order, since the original cast ...
Catherine Hardwicke, Olivia Wilde and Destin Daniel Cretton were among top-scoring directors given points for diverse representation among cast and crew.
Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling have been enjoying luxurious London life after moving their family into a gorgeous home in the ...
Barbie,' 'A Thousand and One' and 'Joy Ride' rank among the top 150 most inclusive films on USC Annenberg and Adobe's Inclusion List.
Per The Hollywood Reporter, Levy's Star Wars project has been in development since 2022, with frequent collaborator Jonathan ...
This is not a drill! Ryan Gosling is slated to star in Shawn Levy's Star Wars movie and it's looking like it will be the next ...
The Sarasota Toy Museum in Sarasota is a whimsical treasure trove of childhood memories waiting to be discovered. Ever had ...
Molly Lewis has earned titles at some of the biggest whistling competitions in the country.Her whistling was featured in the “Barbie” movie, where she whistled the cover of Billie ...