Tribes in the Yosemite area have requested making it legal for them to gather plants for traditional uses. The National Park Service is seeking input on their Environmental Assessment of the plan.
This jaw-dropping road trip will take you to 11 of California’s most otherworldly natural wonders, each more awe-inspiring ...
Antena 3 ha estrenado este miércoles, en pleno prime time y tras 'El Hormiguero', ‘El Capitán en América’, el nuevo formato ...
Looking for a place to stay in Yosemite? Tenaya Lodge is an idyllic getaway that offers quaint cabins, multiple restaurants, a spa, and so much more.
Viajarán a través de cuatro estados de EE.UU. : California, Arizona, Utah y Nevada, en un recorrido lleno de contrastes, que ...
Joaquín Sánchez vuelve al prime time de Antena 3 con una gran aventura: recorrer la Costa Oeste de Estados Unidos. Un viaje ...
Antena 3 estrena este miércoles en prime time El Capitán en América, un divertido y emocionante road trip protagonizado por ...
HENDERSON — Imagine tucking into bed beneath the stars — the wind is cold, and the bed is warm. Only, the “bed” is a platform ...
It just got easier to experience Yosemite National Park's most stunning natural phenomenon, the firefall at the famed ...
President Joe Biden has signed the Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences, or EXPLORE Act, into law to provide ...
Yosemite National Park is full of natural beauty. There are countless locations across the park worthy of stopping to snap a ...
En un año olímpico, con medallas de oro para Janja Garnbret y Toby Roberts, probablemente las mejores actividades en roca se ...